About the program...
​Course Description for Yearbook 1, 2 & 3
Students will gain skills in one or more of the following areas: page design, advanced publishing techniques, copy writing, editing and photography while producing a creative, innovative yearbook which records school memories and events. There is an emphasis on journalism skills in this class! Participants gain useful, real world skills in time management, marketing, teamwork, and design principles.
Special Notice: This is a production class. Work must be drafted, edited, revised, and simply perfected, before each deadline, otherwise you will earn a failing grade. This isn’t like any class you’ve taken, and the accountability is much higher. The plus side is that you’ll be far more ready for the real world as a result.

Course Goals
1. Students will learn publishing industry terminology.
2. Students will become familiar with Design software.
3. Students will work with various types of technology to produce a “book of memories” such as digital camera, computer, and scanner.
4. Students will apply computer skills and design principles to the production of yearbook pages.
5. Students will learn copy writing techniques.
6. Students will be required to have an Edmodo account to access and turn in their assignments.

The 2022 Yearbook is complete and in the process of being published in Clarksville, Tennessee.
We have begun the process of brainstorming for the 2023 Yearbook!